Saturday, April 24, 2010

5 Months

What Braden is doing at 5 months:

You weigh around 17 pounds
Wear size 2 diapers-Target Brand is our favorite
Wear size 6-9 months clothes
Your eyes are blue sometimes hazel color
You still have not rolled over-I guess after you rolled off the ottoman you decided you didn't want to do that ever again.
Love playing in your jump a roo thing-not sure what it is called
Drinking 6-8 ounces
Started you on rice cereal but it hurt your tummy so bad so we switched to oatmeal and it was worse so Dr Walley said to take you off for right now it must be too early. I just wish I could nurse you more-that supply is about gone!!!
Sucks on your hands and toes all the time
MUST be in the bath at 7pm-bottle by 7:15pm in the bed aka swing by 8:30pm with his blankie
Sleeps until about 3am - needs a diaper change-nurse for like 5 minutes then back down until 6:30am-I have to wake you at that time to go to Mrs Brenda's.
Laughs out loud a lot
Sits through church with Daddy but goes to nursery on Wednesday nights
Starting to sit up but not quite there yet


Braden asleep in his care seat after church.
Daddy had to wake him up so he could visit with Nana and GrandDaddy
I just love pictures of his hands and feed. SO SWEET!
He was holding on to Sophia the Giraffe.
Paw-Paw and Gran
You should have been here-Braden was laughing so hard-he chuckles like a little fat boy-
not knocking fat boys he just sounded so cute!! I bet he laughed at PawPaw for 20 minutes.
Getting ready for bed!
These next pictures were taken at One Nineteen (where I work)
He is patting his tummy-saying he should have an interview for the Biggest Loser program!
If he can't get in-then he will just work out on his own...
The one of the left looks like he dropped the weight on his foot-
ATTENTION-he did NOT drop anything on his foot-
The one on the right makes me laugh-he is looking at someone else work out-I know he is thinking-Mommy I want to do that machine over there-this one is too hard.



Thanks to Kristin for giving me my first award on my blog!!! I have been so busy with work, Braden, Brad, and teaching bootcamp yes you read that right-I am teaching bootcamp-more on that later though. I have not been able to blog as much as I would like.

Here are the rules.


1. Accept and thank the person who gave you this award

2. List 10 things about yourself

3. List 5 additional things you don't like

4. List 10 other fellow blogger

Mandy's Answers:

1. I love reading other people's blogs-my husband says I am obsessed.

2. I love working out, running, training, doing crossfit, and being trained by others-it makes for some good challenges.

3. I love taking naps on the weekend! But that is few and far between nowadays with a 5 month old.

4. I love summer-if only I was a teacher-I would have all summer OFF!

5. I love watching Braden sleep, hearing him laugh, and taking lots of pictures of him.

6. I love going to the tanning bed-that is where I do get my naps 12 minutes. lol

7. I love TARGET and Macys!

8. I love clean sheets! Feels so good getting in the bed at night!!

9. I like watching Army Wives, One Tree Hill, Friday Night Lights-all the cheesey stuff!!

10. I love my life-my family and my friends and my God!

5 things I don't like

1. I don't like watching or hearing about American Idol-that is so OLD now!!

2. I don't like my long drive to work.

3. I don't like leaving Braden every day-but I know he is on good hands-I just wish I could watch him grow!

4. I don't like it when people don't communicate.

5. I did not like being pregnant-ugh hated it!!!

Here are my ten blogs that I would like to award:

Simply Suz

The Richeys

The Cosby Show

The Johnston Family

Lambert's Lately

Days with the Cormiers


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have not posted in sooo long. I will get back on the wagon tomorrow night-but dont hold me to it. Kristin-I am so sorry I have not accepted my blog award yet-but I promise that is to come very soon. It seems like as soon as Braden is asleep I am right behind him. I have got a ton of pics to download and even more to catch everyone else up on. All in all we are doing great! Can't wait to show you guys Braden-he is growing like a weed. We are so BLESSED!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Daddy feeding Braden his cereal
Aunt Mere Mere and Uncle Lee
No Problem!!!
Jamaica Man!
Take me out to the Ballgame!!
Braden being silly at Target!
Cutie Pie!
Mommy and Braden all ready for church!

My future is so bright I got to wear shades!!!
Bath time-
He is looking at me wondering what on earth I am saying!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day
4 months!!!
How could you not just want to kiss this face?!?!?
I look TOTALLY tired in this picture!
Braden is ready for some cereal-but he had to actually wait another week at this point!
I put him here in his Bumpo seat while I am in the kitchen 
cooking dinner-washing his bottles-etc
don't worry I would never leave him there unattended!!!
Wednesday March 31
Braden was so sick here-he woke up with the stomach virus!
That day we rushed him to the ER because he would not quit throwing up and 
he was severely dehydrated! 
Thursday April 1 
I stayed home with him since Brad had to work-but then he came home around 6pm-good thing I woke up at 11pm with the stomach virus-that was the sickest I had ever been.
Look at him holding his blankie tightly!!!
But it didn't stop me from running my marathon.
Saturday April 3 
Running Wild Half Marathon
Me and Meredith
This is us with one of Meredith's co-workers from Bagley!
It was Meredith's first and she did AWESOME he came in 2 hours and 15 minutes!!!
I finished in at 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Braden was proud of his mommy-showing off her medal.
Easter Day
Sunday April 4, 2010
Family Photo
Mommy's Boy
Easter Basket from Nana and G-Daddy

Easter Walk and Nap

More later-its REALLY late-I need my sleep.
Good night!