Friday, March 5, 2010


The title says it all-I started back to work FULL TIME this week and it has been hard. Well with the exception of Tuesday I had to stay home because Braden was diagnosed with RSV and was not feeling well at all!!! And it has been tough-getting up in the middle of the night to feed Braden, then up at 5am to get ready and feed him before I leave, drive one hour to work, work all day, try to get caught up on all the things that piled up over the course of my absence, drive one hour back home, feed Braden, cook dinner, give Braden a bath and put him to bed, and then me and Brad have some time together. By that time I am beyond EXHAUSTED! How does one do it with more than one baby/child? How do you do it with four children-KIM? I have so much respect for my mom and Janice-three kids each-Kim with four! AMAZING!!! I can't imagine having twins!! Just roll me to the mental institution because I would go CRAZY!!!Look at my precious boy-there could not be a better boy in this world!!! SORRY-but there can't!!!
Even when he is fussy he is the best baby EVER!!!
I have been working out-not every day but I try to do some thing at least 3-4 days per week.  I went to ZUMBA yesterday morning and a class that we have called PX119.  And when I rolled out of the bed this morning at 3pm to get Braden I didn't think I was going to be able to walk.  I hurt so bad!  I have also been running a little.  Meredith and I are running a half marathon April 3 at Wallace State Community College.  I CAN NOT WAIT!  We have decided to get together every Saturday morning and do our long runs together.  Last Saturday we ran 5 miles out in Fultondale around the Target parking lot.  IT WAS COLD!  But after the first mile we warmed up quickly!  Tomorrow we are supposed to run at least 7-if I can walk-I should be even more sore tomorrow!  GREAT!!!  Braden will stay home with Brad.  I just have to wait until he gets home from Hoover
For those of you who don't understand how a firefighters schedule works it is like this -or so my husbands is like this:
Friday he got up at 5:15am and left for work and will not get off until Saturday morning between 7 and 8am.  So he works 24 hours there.  He would normally leave from Hoover and go directly to Warrior where he would work Saturday until 6pm.  Then come home and not return to Hoover until Monday.  But he never works the weekends at Warrior so he will not return to work until Monday morning and start the process all over.  When he goes to work-I do everything with Braden-get him up and ready for Mrs Brenda-drop him off-pick him up and get everything ready for the next day drop him off but Brad will pick him up and then pretty much keep him the next day.  He might take him to Mrs Brenda's if he needs to do some work around the house-or workout.  Especially this summer if he has to do some yard work he will take him to Mrs Brenda's but go get him really early on the days he is OFF!
I sure miss my little buddy while I am at work.  Especially when Brad sends me cute little pictures like these!  He loves his glow worm!!! 
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!  It is supposed to be beautiful.  After I run I plan on getting me some more running shoes.  But it all depends if Braden is well enough to get out of the house.  He stayed at Mrs Brenda's today but he is still coughing and wheezing-and we are still giving him his breathing treatments.  
More later this weekend!

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