Braden is 17 weeks today! Can you believe it-I have taken sooo many pictures but I am not on my computer-I have pulled these off facebook-so I haven't even posted his St Patty's Day pics or his 4 month old pics. Mommy is falling behind!! But I will post them very soon!!!
Not much has been going on the past two weeks. Just getting up and going to work and coming home and taking care of my little man. Here are a few pictures of him-he just makes me smile every time I see his toothless grin!! And he is grinning all the time.
This time last year I was probably in SHOCK! I found out that I was pregnant! I can remember praying every night that I might one day have a child with my wonderful husband. OH I never thought it would turn out like this! I am so overcome with love, joy, and excitement, yet I am so scared. Just pray for our country and for those that we call our leaders. I just need to remember that God is in control just as he was with me and Brad. It wasn't His timing when we were trying to start a family some 5 years ago-He knew that we had so much more to do and wanted us to spend more time with each other and with Him. I can't imagine doing this all on my own-He knew when the time was right for us to have our Lil Boy Braden and just look at this innocent little face-those cute little cheeks make me want to eat him up!!!
I take him as much as I can to jog when it feels good outside. He loves it-it just wears him out-two laps and he is calling it a day.
Braden was so excited here to go out to eat with some of our BEST friends!
His first ride on the escalator! Yes that is right-not elevator-Brad had that boy strapped in there so he would not fall out-we went to the Galleria and walked around after we ate-Braden is enjoying the ride...
Here are some of our BESTEST friends-Cindi-Luke-Jayce and Ayden
They were behind us on the escalator. Jayce had the BEST seat on top of the stroller!!! Look at Ayden holding on for dear life!! haha
Here is Braden in church this past Sunday-he loved listening to our Praise and Worship Team-he just cooed. Then when Pastor Kevin started preaching we gave him a bottle and he was out! If you look closely you can see a sweet little tear coming out of his eye-how precious!!

Braden is learning how to yell and sound like a car (lips sounds like a motor..bbbb) I don't know how else to explain it-ha. He is just growing up so fast!!! Gran says this is a PawPaw face-he is Growling at somebody!!!
What is he doing at 4 months:
your eyes are still blue-I just love them they are so BIG!!
He weighs in at 16.4 pounds
He is wearing size 2 diapers
He is wearing 6 months clothes
He can laugh out loud-did this last week and it made me so proud I almost cried
He finally found his feet-he was with his daddy last week and found those BIG feet of his
He still sleeps in his swing it all starts at 7:30pm and he wakes around 2:30am for diaper change and a feeding but is back to sleep in less than 1o minutes. Gets back up around 5 but then I have to get him in the car by 6:30am if he stays at home with Daddy he sleeps until around 8 or even 830am. Cant wait to start cereal to take out that 230 feeding!!!
I nurse you in the mornings, when I get home around 5/6, before bed-during the day he gets one breast milk bottle that I pump while I am at work and the others are formula
spits up A ALOT
loves to play in bouncy seats, watching lights and listening to music
stayed in the nursery day care for the first time and had fun---
he got HOT so they had to take his sweater off but other than that I am pretty sure he liked it
stay with Jayce and Ayden every week day with Mrs Brenda-she is the BEST sitter ever-I can text her and she gets back to me in no time-and I don't think I get on her nerves-or so she hasn't told me yet-hahaha
He loves to try to carry on a conversation with you!
You are pulling mommy's hair
And you love rubbing daddy's bald head-it feels funny to you!!
He LOVES his Daddy and Mommy!
Wow Mandy he is getting so big. Did you get dirty looks on the escalator I took Hudson the first time a few weeks ago and people looked at me like I was a crazy person. Hehe