He LOVES his Daddy. He is giving him a BIG hug!!!
Many of you know that I am not the type to sit around and be lazy. But since I had a c-section I have been unable to do workout. I can walk around the house-but I am not even supposed to walk up the steps. So here are a few pictures of my progress without any exercise:
I have such a LONG ways t go-I have lost about 20 pounds but would like to lose another 20. Here is why- I gained about 10 pounds while I was on fertility meds for 6 months-and then I gained 30 during my pregnancy. The 20 pounds have come off so far just by breast feeding. I eat just as much because breast feeding makes you so hungry. But I am trying to eat more fruits and veggies and not pig out on sweets like candy or cookies!!!
OK enough about me let's talk about BRADEN!! He really is a blessing. I was home by myself yesterday and it went great! He was such a good baby! Meredith did come over to let me shower-thanks Meredith. Other than that we just hung out and he slept. I was able to do a few orders on the Internet for Christmas and write all my thank you cards-well most of them. Last night I slept on the couch and let him try to sleep in his pack-n-play instead of the bassinet-reason being is he rolls around all over the place in that bassinet-I found him the other morning with his head against the wooden spindles and looking all uncomfortable. So since Brad was at work I tried the pack-n-play and he did wonderful. He loves music and cant sleep without it-so every time the timer would go off I knew it! He would fuss but go right back to sleep once he heard the music again. So doctor appointment was this morning here is how my morning went:
Got up at 5:45am to shower-put Braden in the bassinet in my room.
By the time I got out of the shower he was all turned sideways and moaning to get out of that bed.
So I put him in the bathroom with me in his bouncy seat. Turned the music and vibration thing on and he stared at mommy while she attempted to get ready. He did GREAT-I on the other hand-was mad cause I still cant fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans! So back to my maternity jeans! URGH!
I fed him once I was ready and let him lay in the pack-n-play for a little while and then called Daddy to see where he was-he was almost home so I got Braden and put his clothes on him really quickly. We learned last time to put his clothes on right before you leave the house! OR ELSE!!
Brad came in and we got in the car by 7:55am. We made it to the dr appmt by 8:40am-just 10 minutes late-AWESOME!!!
Dr appmt went GREAT! He weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces at one week.
Here are his stats for week two:
Weight 7 pounds 14 ounces 25-35%
Length 21 1/4 inches 75-95%
Head Circumference 14 1/4 inches 50%
Mommy and Braden at Dr
Two week check up
Mean face he got from Daddy-not happy about being pricked in the foot.
He had to have his heel pricked and note to self he did NOT like that. Mommy held him and he just cried but when she finished he was ok. I don't think he likes people messing with his feet but then again I really don't think I would want a shot in my foot either!! Once we got in the car-I was able to give him a little bottle and he was off to sleep. My plans were to go to the Mall after his appmt but I am just too tired. So I begged Brad to take me by Wal-Mart and let me pick up a few gifts that I knew I could get there. So he drove around the parking lot while I shopped and then picked me up at the door. I got a few things I needed-but also forgot a few things. But there is always tomorrow. I go to see my doctor-Sarah Davis at 2:15pm today. So I get to see what my stats are but I am sure I will not post them for everyone to read. Once they get to what I want them to be then I will-maybe!
Well-little man is still sleeping and I really need to get him up and feed him. But then again I could go snuggle up on the couch and sleep too-I think I may catch up on some of my blogs that I follow! I haven't been keeping up since Braden was born.
Have a great day- Here is one more picture though:
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