This blogging thing is going to be tough.
But I am going to try my best to keep it up a least once per week.
Sunday January 2
We went to church that morning then rushed home to have Christmas with Brad's dad and his family. I made spaghetti, salad, Texas toast, and brownies. It was pretty good. We had a great time. By the time everyone was gone-we were all so exhausted-we cleaned up the house and got ready for bed.
Monday January 3
I had to be at work this morning pretty early this morning because it was end of the month. I had so much to get done before 12:00pm. Not to mention my boss was going to be out the rest of the week so I had a lot that I needed to get finished up. I teach this class called Triple Threat Training. It is a 12 week training class for the more advanced. In order to be a part of this class you must be able to run one mile without stopping and under 10 minutes. We do all types of things in this class. We drag weights, throw barrels, carry pallets, and will soon be flipping tires. It every Monday and Wednesday night from 5-7:30pm. It is so much fun. I love doing it with the class-it is one HARD workout! All three of the trainers were here this night to get us started. I got home around 8:30pm-Braden was already asleep-I missed him a lot.

This is the look I get when I want to hold him when his Daddy is around-WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!!
Tuesday January 4
Brad worked today so I was able to get Braden up and off to Mrs Brenda's. This meant that I had to leave work by 4pm to get him at 5pm as well. Today was an okay day. Just seemed to creep by so slow!!! I was ready to get home and see my little man! By the time I got home-fed Braden, and bathed him-he was ready to go to bed by 6:45pm. I wasn't going to fight to keep him awake so I put him down for the night.

Wednesday January 5
I didn't have to be at work early today-I have to teach TTT tonight-so i waited until Brad got home around 9am and left Braden with him. We didnt take Braden to Mrs Brenda's because he seemed to be coughing a lot more than he has been. Plus Ayden, Cindi's son had just been released from the doctor with croup and we didn't want to give him something or Braden get that from him. Better safe than sorry. I had a pretty busy day-it flew by so fast. With my boss being gone I had to check on all the departments to make sure everyone was ok and didn't have any issues that I needed to resolve. All was well! I taught TTT and went GREAT! It was very tiring-this workout was called THE TWELVE DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS! I left there around 7:50pm and got home around 8:3opm. No traffic means great timing to get home. I got home showered and got in the bed. Brad had put Braden down so I missed him.
Thursday January 6
I got to work around 5:10am this morning. I trained Kim and went to a class to observe. It was a great workout-I was so sore from teaching TTT that it hurt to workout. haha Work went pretty good. I was able to leave at 2pm and I came home to spend some time with Braden. He stayed at home with Brad again today-so when I got home-Brad went to work out. Braden cried when he left-he is def a daddy's boy! He calls daddy momma-and me momma too! He is so cute!

Friday January 7
Brad had to work so I had to drop Braden off at Mrs Brenda's. He did very well when I dropped him off. The other boys weren't there yet and I was afraid since they weren't there Braden would not be distracted for me to leave but Mrs Brenda is a PRO!! I had to leave work around 11:20am to go to a meeting downtown so decided that I was not going to go all the way back to 119 especially at 2:00pm when traffic starts to get backed up plus I have to leave by 4pm t get Braden. I went to Target and got some stuff and then went to get Braden. We had a GREAT time playing in his trampoline that is full of balls. HE LOVES THAT THING! He was in the bed around 7:3opm. And I cleaned the house and read other people's blogs instead of updating my blog!!
Saturday January 8
Braden woke up around 7:30am so I rolled out of bed and went to get him. He is in such a good mood when he wakes on his own. I brought him down and changed his diaper and fed him breakfast. We went down stairs so he could play in his balls and then around 10am he wanted to take a nap. Brad tried to put him down but he was just wanting to play with daddy. So I took him up to his room and he went to sleep-he slept until 12:15pm and Brad was starving so we got changed and headed to CFA!
We got home and played nonstop! Braden was slap worn out-that was the plan. You see my best friend Meredith was having a birthday dinner at Stix and we were going to go and have my mom come stay with Braden. So by 5pm we fed Braden and gave him a bath-all mom had to do was play with him for about 30 minutes to an hour and then put him to bed. We left at 6:15pm and she called right before we sat down to eat and said he was in the bed. WOW! I loved date night-it was so much fun-laughing with my friends-and just being with adults! Brad was not feeling well-he is fighting off a sinus infection-I had it last week. So he was not really enjoying himself. I think he just didn't want to leave Braden. But we got home around 9:50-10:00pm and let mom go back home. What a blessing to have parents when we need them. It was out first time to actually have a date without Braden-I think I need a few more in the near future.
More later this week!!
** I know he still wears his Christmas pjs after Christmas but they are so cute.