I know I know I am such a BAD blogger-but do I get props for taking pictures of my little boy Braden even if I don't post! Guys-- time is flying away from me! I wish I had the time to sit down every night and post things about Braden-I barely can remember to write things in his baby book. He has grown SO much. I just can't believe it. I have lots to tell you about so let me think of how far back I should go-oh wait I don't remember what happened yesterday. lol
We will start around the end of July
Braden's Best Friends
Jayce, Braden and Ayden

Braden is 8 months old
He weighs around 20-21 pounds
Eats anything and everything
Has two bottom teeth-those just popped out one day out of nowhere
Drinks juice from a sippy cup once a day
Holds his own bottle and sippy cup
Sitting up so good
Rolls everywhere
Pushes up on his hands and feet but has not figured out how to crawl just yet
Says Da Da-not sure he knows what da-da is-or so I tell myself that lol
Loves to laugh and giggle-chuckles till he gets the hiccups
Sucks his right thumb when he sees a tag
HE LOVES TAGS! If he is fussy find him a tag and he will hold it in his right hand with his right thumb in his mouth.
If he wakes at night he finds his blankie and goes to town on the thumb
Cant rise up to a seated position yet
Daily routine:
Wake him around 6:45am
Change him and put him in the car
on the road to Brenda's by 7-these days I am much later
In the car he drinks a 4 ounce formula bottle
I sing to him every morning on the way to her house-I know he loves it! lol
Get to Mrs Brenda's around 715 on a good day
She feeds him breakfast which consists of a fruit and cereal
Then he plays and goes down for a nap around 11am
Wakes up for lunch
Eats a veggie and meat, or just two veggies and fruit-if still hungry some yogurt-I try to give him a 6 ounce bottle but he usually doesn't take it all
Plays and then takes another nap around 2 until 330
We get him by 5pm and bring him home-
Sometimes he drinks juice other times he will drink a bottle
He will eat dinner around 730pm
Meat, veggie and fruit
Bath time - lotion and massage time
Then Daddy gives him his last bottle around 8pm 6 ounces
Sleeps ALL night LONG!!! wooohooo
On Saturday mornings I let him swing outside after breakfast-
he is watching the geese in our back yard
Nap Time on the weekends
He might KILL me when he gets older
but you cant see anything
he has found it

He and Daddy practicing baseball

I was safe!!!
We went to the beach the first week of August with my parents. It was such an awesome time. It was our first trip to the beach as a family. Oh it was GREAT! Braden did so well-slept GREAT. He was teething pretty bad the last two nights but he did so good. LOVED riding in the golf cart, swimming and then getting a nap in the garage apartment where it was cold and quiet.
Day One at the Beach/Pool

Day Two