Father's Day
We went to watch the Brave's play!!!
Braden did so good!
I am only writing this because I really want to remember this trip. So it might be boring for you to read. I bought Brad tickets to watch the Brave's for Father's Day. We left for Atlanta on Saturday morning when Brad got off work. Braden did sooooo good all the way there-he played and slept and played and laughed. We got to ATL and decided to get Brad a shirt to match Braden's outfit. We then got to out hotel-Hampton Inn and checked in changed clothes and went to the game. The game started at 7pm but we wanted to get there to watch batting practice and find our seats. So we got there and Braden sat in his stroller and every body at Turner Field stopped and said "Ohhh he is soooo cute" of course he is!! lol We ran into one of the stores to get his first Braves ball cap and it was on sale for $2.00!!! Its a little big but one of the best buys!!!
We got some great pics during the game!
He wanted Chipper to sign his ball so bad but we never got to see him. Maybe next time buddy!
I held him the entire game. Before it started I took him and changed his diaper and then he sat with me the entire game. We were four rows behind home plate! He sat and watched the game!! He fell asleep the top of the 6th but then they started getting loud around the 8th ad he woke-and he woke up in the BEST mood. He laughed and just watched the game like he never missed a beat. The Braves ended up winning. We left and tried to make our way back to the room. It took us over an hour and a half to get 5 miles!!! We didn't know this but it was ATL Birthday Bash and that meant rappers were putting on a show and we had NO clue! It was bumper to bumper-girls half dressed and men yelling at women. I mean it was a HOT MESS! I was scared to death! I think you all get the picture! Well we walked to the front desk and said we are leaving and we are leaving NOW we want our money back! Yes we left and no we did not stop to get another room-we drove all the way home. Braden ate supper in his car seat-I gave him his bottle and he was out! And I think Brad and I dozed off a few times. It was the most awful drive home-we were seeing 6 lanes instead of two-thank God we made it home around 3am!
June 17
Get that ugly shirt off Braden!!! Especially on my birthday! lol
Braden came to 119 and swam with daddy!

Happy Boy!
Sweet chubby hands!