Again I have not posted in a while so I better get you all caught up-why don't I go ahead and change my plans for blogging-1-2 days per week is all I have been able to post-I am constantly busy. Here it is 10:20pm and Braden is sleeping and Brad is at work. I should be asleep too.
Wednesday we didn't make it to Oasis-Church because Braden had his shots and I was afraid we would get all the way out there and have to leave. He slept all day and night. He is getting so good about sleeping. Watch right as I say this he will wake up screaming. PLEASE GOD LET HIM SLEEP! Workout-Jillian's Workout on the Wii.
Thursday I had to get up and go to work half a day. I dropped Braden off at Mrs Brenda's at 6:45am and was at work by 7:45am. I have got so much work to do that I don't even know where to start. YIKES! I was done with my meetings, interviews, and classes by 12:00pm. I went and tanned and picked up Braden. We came home and hung out-Daddy had to work.
Workout today was BOOTCAMP for one hour! I am going to be sore tomorrow!

Friday I had to be at work again-but before I got to work I could barely roll out of the bed! YES I WAS SORE! But I loved it!!! I took Braden to work with me and Brad picked him up around 7:30am and didn't even take him to Mrs Brenda's. I know she missed him-she texted me asking where her little boy was-how sweet!!! He got to spend all day with daddy! It even snowed today-yes like 2-3 inches. I left work around 4pm-wish I had taken a few pics it was beautiful driving down some roads. I love the snow-but hate the cold. Once I got home I wanted to do a quick Jillian workout so I went downstairs and could barely walk back up the stairs to cook dinner. PIZZA! Ha Guess I am glad I did Jillian's workout after eating half the pizza-I WAS STARVING- all I had eaten was graham crackers and honey peanut butter-yes I am still addicted to this. We tried to let Braden sleep in his room-he did okay for about 1 hour but then woke screaming. I think we might have some problems moving him out! Just wonderful!!! Ever since he has had his cold-we let him sleep in the swing for an incline-but now he is addicted to it! I have tried to get up at night and stop the swinging or when he wakes put him back down in the pack and play. But since he is sleeping thru the night as am I then the swing is on ALL night. Must be the energizer batteries cause that thing keeps going and going.

Saturday my mother in law-Janice had a CAbi party. Meredith went with me-I love those clothes they are just expensive. Plus I am still trying to lose weight and I didn't know what size to get in pants-I will try them and if I like them I will keep them if not I will get something else. Brad had another bonding day with Braden-I think Braden is becoming a Daddy's boy. That is ok-I know he still loves his mommy. When I come home he loves for me to kiss all over him. Once we were back Meredith kept Braden while Brad and I worked out. All I have to say is CROSSFIT!! We did the following workout:
REPS 21-15-9
Deadlift 95 pounds
Box jumps/step ups
Ring Dips/assisted with jump
For time then rest 2 minutes and row 500 meters as fast as possible.
When we were finished working out-we went and ate Mexican-not my favorite but I ate it! Braden did so good today.
Here is where I need to tell you why I am CRAZY! You see this time last year I ran the Mercedes Half. I was really upset this year when I couldn't run it-I mean I couldn't train for it-Braden is only 10 weeks and 6 days old that means only 5 weeks to train for 13 miles-impossible right?? WELL NO!! A friend of mine was going to run it but he was too sick so he texted me to see if I wanted to take his place-after all I could walk one mile jog one mile etc. So at 8:00pm I decided what could it hurt? I mean if I needed to walk I would walk-I could test myself to see what I needed to work on-mentally and physically. Well don't tell me nothing is impossible-I DID IT! Yep I got up at 5:15am got myself ready and Brad took Braden to Nana's. But look what I found when I walked out of the bathroom this morning-is this not sweet.

Braden gave me a manicure and pedicure for Valentine's Day. Now how did he know was going to need that after this run today?
OK so here is how it went down. I started jogging and got to mile 2 and was wamring up-it was pretty cold out this morning. By mile 5 I thought to myself WOW you have not stopped to walk at all. KEEP GOING! Well around mile 6 I needed to walk but I hated it so I started back jogging in less than one minute. I did that gain around mile 8 and 9 or 10. I drank water and powerade at each station. GUYS I FELT GOOD! I know I need my head checked-something is so wrong with me-but I love running. I get such a high from it. Last year I was mad at myself for not running the full (my time was 1 hour and 54 minutes last year)well this year-it took everything I had to make it to the finish line under 2 hours and 20 minutes. I didn't hurt I just got antsy that I ran the whole thing and finished but not just that but NO TRAINING and recovering from a C-section less than 11 weeks ago!
And here I am it is 10:50pm and I am still awake! I am putting this computer away and getting some shut eye before Braden wakes. He couldn't even stay awake long enough for me to give him his bath-he wanted his bottle and his swing!!!
Brad and I will celebrate Valentine's Day another time-he had to work-but Braden and I went to visit him today and took him a Cinnamon Crunch Bagel his favorite!!! More about Brad later.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY BRAD and BRADEN! My two best boys in the world! I AM SO LUCKY!!!

Workout 13.1 miles that might be the last workout for a while. HAHA just kidding!!!