Sunday, November 29, 2009
We are in the hospital-I am hooked up to every monitor and machine possible. Brad is unloading the car. I am having a few MILD-VERY MILD contractions right now. But still don't know if i am dilated from last week. More later!!!
We will be checking into St Vincent's Hospital in Birmingham, Al tonight around 8pm. I will post more as soon as we get our room and know what all will take place and when.
This song is such a great song. I could listen to it over and over. This time tomorrow I will be in the process of delivering my baby boy. How amazing is God's work? And his plans for our life are so not what we imagine. I have enjoyed every step of the way-although there are some things that I would have rather not gone through-but I know it is all worth it.
I have so much to be thankful for-my husband-Brad-I love you more than anything in this world. The past nine months have not been the easiest 9 months-but they haven't been the most horrible either. You have been amazing.
I can't wait
to see you with our little boy-holding him for the first time and giving him open mouth kisses (just wait it is coming-high fives won't cut it with this little man)-
I can't wait
to watch you change Braden's diaper for the first time. I don't think you have ever changed a diaper!!!
I can't wait
until Braden can start talking and saying da-da and following you every where you go.
I can't wait
until Braden runs to his da-da when he comes in the door after being home with mommy all day.
I can't wait
for you to throw him his first ball and you knock him in the head and make him cry-or tell him to get up when he falls.
I can't wait
to take him to church with us each Sunday and listen to him sing Jesus Loves Me to the top of his lungs in children's church.
I can't wait to
watch you coach Braden on being a good sport and not crying because he didn't get his way.
I can't wait
until you have to give Braden a lecture on what is means to try your hardest and to never give up.
This journey is indescribable. I can't wait until we have our first picture as a family of three-our life will be complete!!!
You're my life's one miracle
Everything I've done that's good
And you break my heart with tenderness
And I confess it's true
I never knew a love like this 'til you
You're the reason I was born
Now I finally know for sure
And I'm overwhelmed with happiness
So blessed to hold you close
The one that I love most
Though the future has so much for you in store
Who could ever love you more
The nearest thing to heaven
You're my angel from above
Only God creates such perfect love
When you smile AT me I cry
And to save your life I'd die
With a romance that is pure in heart
You are my dearest part
Whatever it requires
I live for your desires
Forget my own, your needs will come before
Who could ever love you more
There is nothing you could ever do
To make me stop loving you
And every breath I take
Is always for your sake
You sleep inside my dreams
And know for sure
Who could ever love you more
I have so much to be thankful for-my husband-Brad-I love you more than anything in this world. The past nine months have not been the easiest 9 months-but they haven't been the most horrible either. You have been amazing.
I can't wait
to see you with our little boy-holding him for the first time and giving him open mouth kisses (just wait it is coming-high fives won't cut it with this little man)-
I can't wait
to watch you change Braden's diaper for the first time. I don't think you have ever changed a diaper!!!
I can't wait
until Braden can start talking and saying da-da and following you every where you go.
I can't wait
until Braden runs to his da-da when he comes in the door after being home with mommy all day.
I can't wait
for you to throw him his first ball and you knock him in the head and make him cry-or tell him to get up when he falls.
I can't wait
to take him to church with us each Sunday and listen to him sing Jesus Loves Me to the top of his lungs in children's church.
I can't wait to
watch you coach Braden on being a good sport and not crying because he didn't get his way.
I can't wait
until you have to give Braden a lecture on what is means to try your hardest and to never give up.
This journey is indescribable. I can't wait until we have our first picture as a family of three-our life will be complete!!!
You're my life's one miracle
Everything I've done that's good
And you break my heart with tenderness
And I confess it's true
I never knew a love like this 'til you
You're the reason I was born
Now I finally know for sure
And I'm overwhelmed with happiness
So blessed to hold you close
The one that I love most
Though the future has so much for you in store
Who could ever love you more
The nearest thing to heaven
You're my angel from above
Only God creates such perfect love
When you smile AT me I cry
And to save your life I'd die
With a romance that is pure in heart
You are my dearest part
Whatever it requires
I live for your desires
Forget my own, your needs will come before
Who could ever love you more
There is nothing you could ever do
To make me stop loving you
And every breath I take
Is always for your sake
You sleep inside my dreams
And know for sure
Who could ever love you more
Friday, November 27, 2009
Boys just wanna have fun...
I got to see all of my nephews yesterday. OH they are just so cute! I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving-he are just a few things that I have to be thankful for-my healthy little nephews-Braden is going to have so much fun once he gets here.
Rylan- almost 16 months is talking up a storm. He absolutely LOVES his Paw-Paw. He is able to say our names. If you are on the phone you better let him talk -he loves saying HELLO. For some ODD reason he likes to look at belly buttons-well i scared the little boy today with mine-he wasn't sure what was wrong with his Aunt Mandy but he didn't like it one bit. He has got to be one of the three cutest boys in the world.
Dylan- is 9 years old-he looked just like Rylan when he was that age. He is so cute-he has long hair-I wish it were a little bit shorter-but he is so sweet. He loves hanging out with his daddy-when he is not in trouble. He was able to go pull a deer out of the woods yesterday before Thanksgiving Dinner. NICE!! Dylan loves his Nonny and Poppy-and his Gran and Paw-Paw. I think if his mom and dad let him he would move in with them forever.
The Lawrence Boys!

Lane- 9 months old-he is a BIG boy. He danced his booty off last night. He is able to pull himself up and dance to music. I hope I can download this video tonight I made of him-every once in a while he would let something out-and boy did it stink! It was cute.

Braden has still not made his appearance-and as crazy as it seems-I haven't felt bad since Tuesday. Sunday and Monday night i had AWFUL contractions and my mother was for sure i would dilate and thin SOME. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and NOTHING! So we will go in Sunday night-get some meds and hopefully deliver our Baby Boy on Monday morning. I am not nervous just yet-I guess it will hit me on the way to the hospital. Please pray for a smooth delivery. I have a feeling it will be a c-section but the Lord knows what is best and I give it all to him.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGON!!! I have a wonderful sister in law-too! She is really hoping that Braden will join her on her birthday.
Rylan- almost 16 months is talking up a storm. He absolutely LOVES his Paw-Paw. He is able to say our names. If you are on the phone you better let him talk -he loves saying HELLO. For some ODD reason he likes to look at belly buttons-well i scared the little boy today with mine-he wasn't sure what was wrong with his Aunt Mandy but he didn't like it one bit. He has got to be one of the three cutest boys in the world.
The Lawrence Boys!
Lane- 9 months old-he is a BIG boy. He danced his booty off last night. He is able to pull himself up and dance to music. I hope I can download this video tonight I made of him-every once in a while he would let something out-and boy did it stink! It was cute.
Braden has still not made his appearance-and as crazy as it seems-I haven't felt bad since Tuesday. Sunday and Monday night i had AWFUL contractions and my mother was for sure i would dilate and thin SOME. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and NOTHING! So we will go in Sunday night-get some meds and hopefully deliver our Baby Boy on Monday morning. I am not nervous just yet-I guess it will hit me on the way to the hospital. Please pray for a smooth delivery. I have a feeling it will be a c-section but the Lord knows what is best and I give it all to him.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGON!!! I have a wonderful sister in law-too! She is really hoping that Braden will join her on her birthday.
Monday, November 23, 2009

Ok, don’t panic. It’s been 40 weeks, the due date (which was TODAY) has come and is going almost gone…and still no baby!!! Aarrggghhh! Seriously, I’m flattered that he likes me so much, but enough already! Do I need to send an eviction notice? GET OUT!!! Was I not clear? Did he miss that Next Steps memo telling him he’s supposed to come out?
Head South Braden! South! Do we need to shine a light for you down there so you can find your way? If you don’t come out soon, your Daddy’s gonna come in there after you…literally! I can only hold him of for so long…he’s getting pretty antsy-stir crazy was actually the term he used today.
Sure I’m the one who can’t sleep comfortably and am suffering from extreme back pain…but Brad’s poor nerves are going berserk! He jumps every time I call him because he thinks it means my water broke & the baby’s coming. He pauses & stares at me whenever I groan/moan/squirm because he thinks it means the baby’s coming. He wakes up and watches me get out of bed to go pee in the middle of the night because he thinks the baby’s coming. He’s so on edge and frazzled every minute of every day that this baby is still in me, because he thinks he’s coming that exact minute. This baby’s not even out yet and he’s already giving his father an ulcer!
I guess our little man really does take after his daddy…he’s obviously already decided to arrive fashionably late.
And so we wait…and wait…and wait some more. 40 weeks down and one daddy wanting his baby boy to come out to play NOW!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday I got up and went to the gym with Meredith-I decided that it was a good idea to do a little workout and maybe go for a walk. After our workout-I came home and cooked pancakes and eggs fro me and Brad. They were yummy!
I laid on the couch all day-we decided that tonight might be our last night before Braden so we decided to go eat at Cheesecake Factory. I had every intention of eating a piece of cheesecake-but just felt very weird-my back was hurting so bad-almost felt like I pulled a muscle in my back. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to do squats and step-ups!! We left there and went to Wal-Mart-I wasn't sure I could walk any more-I hurt so bad. So I came home and laid on the couch- went to bed and felt horrible.
I woke up every 2 hours with pains but nothing that was too painful -THAT IS UNTIL 5:30am. I could not stay still-I got up and came to the couch-turned on the heating pad and was in and out-finally at 7:30am I called my mom in tears! I HURT AND I MEAN HURT!! The back pains were only on my right side and would sort of roll around to the front to my stomach and tighten so tight that I thought it was smothering Braden. She told me to call the Dr-I called and she said I was definitely having contractions but did not need to come in until they were patterned at 1o minutes apart, HA!
I have been timing them since then and they are anywhere between 20-45 minutes apart-sometimes 15 minutes but nothing patterned. Braden is so uncomfortable in there-after each contraction you can see him stretching trying to get out-I feel him tapping down low-I just wish he would break my water and things might go faster.
Mom has stayed with me all day-just to keep me company-Brad is at work. I didn't call everyone because I know this could last for days!
Well gotta go! Feel another one coming on-that one was 20 minutes. ugh!
Saturday I got up and went to the gym with Meredith-I decided that it was a good idea to do a little workout and maybe go for a walk. After our workout-I came home and cooked pancakes and eggs fro me and Brad. They were yummy!
I laid on the couch all day-we decided that tonight might be our last night before Braden so we decided to go eat at Cheesecake Factory. I had every intention of eating a piece of cheesecake-but just felt very weird-my back was hurting so bad-almost felt like I pulled a muscle in my back. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to do squats and step-ups!! We left there and went to Wal-Mart-I wasn't sure I could walk any more-I hurt so bad. So I came home and laid on the couch- went to bed and felt horrible.
I woke up every 2 hours with pains but nothing that was too painful -THAT IS UNTIL 5:30am. I could not stay still-I got up and came to the couch-turned on the heating pad and was in and out-finally at 7:30am I called my mom in tears! I HURT AND I MEAN HURT!! The back pains were only on my right side and would sort of roll around to the front to my stomach and tighten so tight that I thought it was smothering Braden. She told me to call the Dr-I called and she said I was definitely having contractions but did not need to come in until they were patterned at 1o minutes apart, HA!
I have been timing them since then and they are anywhere between 20-45 minutes apart-sometimes 15 minutes but nothing patterned. Braden is so uncomfortable in there-after each contraction you can see him stretching trying to get out-I feel him tapping down low-I just wish he would break my water and things might go faster.
Mom has stayed with me all day-just to keep me company-Brad is at work. I didn't call everyone because I know this could last for days!
Well gotta go! Feel another one coming on-that one was 20 minutes. ugh!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Today is the day that the Lord Hath Made
I will rejoice and be glad in it. I would rejoice even more if Braden decided to come early. haha!! I am up this morning early. I wake myself up in the middle of the night either to go to the bathroom or snoring-yes SNORING!! i can't stand it! I am so big at this point in order for me to breath I have to snore... that is not good. Brad has been such a good sport-he has not complained one time. I fall asleep every night on the couch and wake myself up snoring.
Last night I sort of kind of watched football-well not really. I wrote the last of my thank you cards, started back on Braden's baby book and made the list for the hospital. But I do know that Alabama won!! ROLL TIDE!!! If they keep this up Brad said he would let Braden be an ALABAMA FAN!! Come on tide-you can do it!!!
I am making breakfast right now-I guess it is just for me and Braden cause Brad left to work at Warrior. So I will eat and then get ready for church. I am thinking this might be the last weekend of church for me for a while-I really don't want to get Braden out right after he is born. Then I will head to Target for some exchanges.
I hope everyone has a BLESSED DAY!! I love you all-please keep our family in your prayers. IT WILL BE SOON!!!
Last night I sort of kind of watched football-well not really. I wrote the last of my thank you cards, started back on Braden's baby book and made the list for the hospital. But I do know that Alabama won!! ROLL TIDE!!! If they keep this up Brad said he would let Braden be an ALABAMA FAN!! Come on tide-you can do it!!!
I am making breakfast right now-I guess it is just for me and Braden cause Brad left to work at Warrior. So I will eat and then get ready for church. I am thinking this might be the last weekend of church for me for a while-I really don't want to get Braden out right after he is born. Then I will head to Target for some exchanges.
I hope everyone has a BLESSED DAY!! I love you all-please keep our family in your prayers. IT WILL BE SOON!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I went yesterday to the Doctor. Here is the status update:
Mommy gained one pound makes it around 31-33 pounds. WAY TOO MUCH!!!
Blood pressure 110/62
His fluid was at 16.0-which is GREAT!! So he is still ok in there.
I have not dilated or effaced ANY! NOTHING NADDA ZERO ZILCH NONE!!
So she told me to come back next week-I am scheduled for Thursday. If nothing has progressed she will go ahead and set a date to induce. I am thinking if we HAVE to induce to do it the 23rd anyways. For several reasons, I don't want to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving or the Friday after. We can't induce on the weekend and I really don't want to be induced that following Monday-for some personal reasons. So maybe he will come before or on the 23rd. DOUBT IT but lets all pray for that at this point.
I have everything ready-just need to make a list of things if it happens in the middle of the night. Things like my pillow, camera, video camera, shower stuff, etc. That is stuff that I cant live without. If you know of some things that you just could not live without in the hospital that you think I may need then please email me need to be prepared. Or at least feel like I am.
Brad and his Lt installed the car seat last night. I got some last minute things from Wal-Mart-and yes I have my wrap ready for my belly. So after he is born I slather my tummy with FIRMING cream and wrap it up with an ACE bandage and pray that it all sucks back into place QUICKLY!!
Today was WARRIOR DAY! HAHA We went to the ball field and walked around. We saw every one from Warrior that we knew-it was fun-well as fun as it can be at 39 weeks pregnant and feet swelling. We left there and went to none other than CHICK FIL A. I swear we need to buy stock in CFA. We eat there at least 3-4 times per week. WE LOVE IT! Then we went to get Brad some running shoes. Oh how I would love to just bend over to tie my tennis shoes these days. While there the boy from track shak was asking when I was due-and I told him I was missing all the fun runs I am missing with my running partners- Amy and Rob aka CHIEF. I really am missing the turkey trot and the red nose run. He said no if you have him-meaning Braden the end of November that gives you 6 weeks to get back to running. And you can make it to the Red Nose Run-which is 10 miles people. I have not run 10 miles since MARCH. OK so obviously he has no idea what it means to actually have a baby!!! 6 weeks-I WISH! Track Shak Man- I hope you are not that hard on your wife when it comes time for her to have a baby. Does he really think that the next day she can go run a mile much less walk to the bathroom from her hospital bed.
Well enough of the nonsense here is what you all have come to see:

Mommy gained one pound makes it around 31-33 pounds. WAY TOO MUCH!!!
Blood pressure 110/62
His fluid was at 16.0-which is GREAT!! So he is still ok in there.
I have not dilated or effaced ANY! NOTHING NADDA ZERO ZILCH NONE!!
So she told me to come back next week-I am scheduled for Thursday. If nothing has progressed she will go ahead and set a date to induce. I am thinking if we HAVE to induce to do it the 23rd anyways. For several reasons, I don't want to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving or the Friday after. We can't induce on the weekend and I really don't want to be induced that following Monday-for some personal reasons. So maybe he will come before or on the 23rd. DOUBT IT but lets all pray for that at this point.
I have everything ready-just need to make a list of things if it happens in the middle of the night. Things like my pillow, camera, video camera, shower stuff, etc. That is stuff that I cant live without. If you know of some things that you just could not live without in the hospital that you think I may need then please email me need to be prepared. Or at least feel like I am.
Brad and his Lt installed the car seat last night. I got some last minute things from Wal-Mart-and yes I have my wrap ready for my belly. So after he is born I slather my tummy with FIRMING cream and wrap it up with an ACE bandage and pray that it all sucks back into place QUICKLY!!
Today was WARRIOR DAY! HAHA We went to the ball field and walked around. We saw every one from Warrior that we knew-it was fun-well as fun as it can be at 39 weeks pregnant and feet swelling. We left there and went to none other than CHICK FIL A. I swear we need to buy stock in CFA. We eat there at least 3-4 times per week. WE LOVE IT! Then we went to get Brad some running shoes. Oh how I would love to just bend over to tie my tennis shoes these days. While there the boy from track shak was asking when I was due-and I told him I was missing all the fun runs I am missing with my running partners- Amy and Rob aka CHIEF. I really am missing the turkey trot and the red nose run. He said no if you have him-meaning Braden the end of November that gives you 6 weeks to get back to running. And you can make it to the Red Nose Run-which is 10 miles people. I have not run 10 miles since MARCH. OK so obviously he has no idea what it means to actually have a baby!!! 6 weeks-I WISH! Track Shak Man- I hope you are not that hard on your wife when it comes time for her to have a baby. Does he really think that the next day she can go run a mile much less walk to the bathroom from her hospital bed.
Well enough of the nonsense here is what you all have come to see:
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Today was about Esther-she was a poor orphan. I found this quick summarization of Esther if you would like to read up on it. The video is at the bottom of the screen-beautiful song!!! There are no strangers-there are not outcasts-there are no orphans of GOD!!!
The Book of Esther shows the choice we make between seeing the hand of God in our circumstances in life and seeing things as merely coincidence. God is the sovereign Ruler of the universe and we can be assured that His plans will not be moved by the actions of mere evil men. Although His name is not mentioned in the book, His providential care for his people, both individuals and the nation, is evident throughout. For instance, we cannot fail to see the Almighty exerting influence over King Xerxes’s timely insomnia. Through the example of Mordecai and Esther, the silent love language our Father often uses to communicate directly to our spirits is shown in this book.
Esther proved to have a godly and teachable spirit that also showed great strength and willing obedience. Esther’s humility was markedly different from those around her, and this caused her to be elevated into the position of Queen. She shows us that remaining respectful and humble, even in difficult if not humanly impossible circumstances, often sets us up to be the vessel of untold blessing for both ourselves and others. We would do well to emulate her godly attitudes in all areas of life, but especially in trials. Not once is there a complaint or bad attitude exposed in the writing. Many times we read she won the "favor" of those around her. Such favor is what ultimately saved her people. We can be granted such favor as we accept even unfair persecution and follow Esther’s example of maintaining a positive attitude, coupled with humility and the determination to lean on God. Who knows but that God put us in such a position, for just such a time as this?
No Orphans of God!!!
The Book of Esther shows the choice we make between seeing the hand of God in our circumstances in life and seeing things as merely coincidence. God is the sovereign Ruler of the universe and we can be assured that His plans will not be moved by the actions of mere evil men. Although His name is not mentioned in the book, His providential care for his people, both individuals and the nation, is evident throughout. For instance, we cannot fail to see the Almighty exerting influence over King Xerxes’s timely insomnia. Through the example of Mordecai and Esther, the silent love language our Father often uses to communicate directly to our spirits is shown in this book.
Esther proved to have a godly and teachable spirit that also showed great strength and willing obedience. Esther’s humility was markedly different from those around her, and this caused her to be elevated into the position of Queen. She shows us that remaining respectful and humble, even in difficult if not humanly impossible circumstances, often sets us up to be the vessel of untold blessing for both ourselves and others. We would do well to emulate her godly attitudes in all areas of life, but especially in trials. Not once is there a complaint or bad attitude exposed in the writing. Many times we read she won the "favor" of those around her. Such favor is what ultimately saved her people. We can be granted such favor as we accept even unfair persecution and follow Esther’s example of maintaining a positive attitude, coupled with humility and the determination to lean on God. Who knows but that God put us in such a position, for just such a time as this?
No Orphans of God!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I went to the doctor yesterday and here is the update:
- Weight up to pounds= gained 30-32 pounds I cant remember
- Blood pressure 100/64
- Braden is measuring 35 weeks, 6 pounds 6 ounces, he has dropped and is the right position.
- I am not dilated any nor have I thinned. ugh!
I plan on cleaning the house today-Brad has worked so much this week I feel like I haven't seen him any.
- Monday I was home by 4:30pm today because I knew I wouldn't see Brad all week.
- Tuesday I had open house at Somerby so I was there until 7pm got home around 8pm and exhausted- Brad worked at Warrior until 6pm
- Wednesday Brad worked at Hoover so I stayed at Janice and Sam's
- Thursday Brad worked at Hoover again so I stayed at Janice and Sam's again.
- Friday Brad worked at Warrior-but was off by 6pm. We went to CFA and then came home and watched Super Nanny with Jimmy and Amy Phelps from down the street. It was pretty funny.
- Saturday Brad is back at work and I have been nesting.
- cleaned all laundry
- folded and put up
- packed Braden's bag-by the door
- packed my bags partially
- filled up the diaper caddy-one for my room one for living room
- cleaned up bedroom upstairs where our guests will sleep-it was full of Braden's presents
- cleaned out pantry and cabinets
Now I am laying on the couch resting until the Alabama/LSU game. Not sure if I will watch it but I still have to do the following:
- clean the master bathroom and shower
- change bed sheets
- sweep and mop all floors-they are so dirty
- get a shower
- go to Babies R Us to take back a few things and get what I really need
- go to Target to take back some clothes for a bigger size for Braden
- finish writing the last few thank you cards-I only have like 6 left so that is AWESOME
- start back on Braden's baby book-I need to put some pictures and other things in there so I don't get too far behind.
OK so I have lots to do but first things first I need to take a quick nap since I have no one here bothering me that they are bored or want to go somewhere.
Know what I would love to do before Braden gets here-well this is not quite like me but I want to go see a movie--THE BLIND SIDE. I love Sandra Bullock--read what it is about:
Teenager Michael Oher is surviving on his own, virtually homeless, when he is spotted on the street by Leigh Anne Tuohy. Learning that the young man is one of her daughter's classmates, Leigh Anne insists that Michael -- wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the dead of winter -- come out of the cold. Without a moment's hesitation, she invites him to stay at the Tuohy home for the night. What starts out as a gesture of kindness turns into something more as Michael becomes part of the Tuohy family despite the differences in their backgrounds. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. And, as the family helps Michael fulfill his potential, both on and off the football field, Michael's presence in the Tuohys' lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own.
OK so I will catch up later-needing a quick nap...
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