Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Meredith and Lee got married yesterday. It was such a beautiful day- it was a long day but it was all worth it. Here are a few pictures from this weekend.
Rehearsal Time
Bridal Brunch at the Chocolate Biscuit
The Bridesmaids
Getting ready to see Lee for the first time today-Meredith was so nervous-
Not sure why-SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL!!
Brad loves getting his picture taken!!!
Me and Meredith
Meredith and Lee-they look so HAPPY!!!
Me and Brad-Braden must have loved dancing too-he was kicking me by the end of the night.
Me and Lee getting down on the dance floor
Meredith caught us- she stole her Prince Charming.
I pray that Lee and Meredith have a long and blissful marriage.
This is only the beginning.
We love you Lee and Meredith-Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day. This is a day you will NEVER forget!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
21 Weeks and more to come...later
I am 21 weeks this week. I am getting so much bigger. I have to get you all caught up on my life this past week. But for now here are a few pics and I will explain more later!!

I bought Braden his diaper bag! I LOVE IT!
Aunt Ma Ma-my sister in law-gave Braden so many things-that is a whole other post but here is one of the outfits she bought just for him.
More to come later on. Got to get to work.
Monday, July 6, 2009
20 weeks and pics of Braden
So I am 20 weeks today!!! I can't believe I am half way there. Just think in 20 weeks we will have precious baby Boy Braden in our arms. Our lives will never be the same-they will only be better. I have been feeling great still. Not much to complain about-maybe all the late night bathroom breaks and not getting comfortable at night. But who needs sleep? Here is what I am looking like these days.
Black is so slimming...
Getting bigger each week...
I look like this all for this little man.
He didn't want us to see his little face just yet.
Nice spine.
There is his little baby face-looks like his Daddy.
We can't wait until next time. I go back to the doctor on July 31st. Until then you will be able see my belly grow. I will keep you posted.
Love you guys!
Mandy Cox
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I ate so much that I made myself sick. I think I have been overeating and not slowing down so I eat and eat and eat-and hours later it is still not digested. UGH!!! I need to s-l-o-w down on my eating. I was able to get out on the lake Saturday all day. And when I say all day it was ALL DAY. I got a really good tan-but totally forgot about Meredith's wedding and the dress that I will be wearing-so now I have horrible tan lines. I am going to get a spray tan this week and then another one before the wedding. I stayed at Grandmother Chris's and got up this morning. Sam cooked a great breakfast-I think breakfast is my favorite meal-whether it is for breakfast or supper (unlike Joshua-haha)It rained this morning-and poor Brad came out there when he got off work. We (Josh, LL Brad, and me) ended up going over to Patti and Wayne's and just played Wii. Can I just tell you that I WILL have me a Wii SOON!?!?! I LOVED IT! I didn't even get to do the FIT Wii but I know I would be addicted. This little man slept the entire time we were there.
So now I am now back home and eating something that has really turned into my WEAKNESS!! I thought I would just have a spoonful-then it turns into a little more than that. Can you guess what it is? Take a look...
I will let you know at the end of this post what it is-until then keep guessing..
We have gotten a few more things from some great friends for Baby Braden. Take a peak...
Braden sure is HEAVEN SENT! Aunt Mere Mere got these outfits. Aren't they so cute.
Here is what I have been munching on while I posted this blog-I have already put it up-BUT I could definitely eat the whole thing in one sitting if I tried. ha-ha
Until next time..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
19 weeks, Paintings for Braden, and more
Sorry it has been a while since I last posted-lets just say this week has been ten times better than last week.
These are some paintings that we are hoping Meredith will be painting for Braden's room.

This scoreboard will be hung above the changing table.

It is hard to choose one of the following two pictures. So we may paint the red one for the room and then downsize the other one (league) for his bathroom.

We will paint this for Braden's bedroom door-but match the colors of his room.

The last thing that I would like to do is paint
above the window that his bed will be in front of-
but we are not sure it will fit with the curtains and all.
So we may put it on the other side of his bed.
I think we have it all thought out now it is time to really get busy. I am almost 20 weeks and still feel great. I had a very hard time this past weekend at Meredith's bachelorette party. Saturday I got up and we ran/walked more walk than run because I was having a horrible pain in my right side. Almost like a never ending side stitch. So I ended up calling my doctor and the nurse told me to take it easy for a few days. So I took a few days off of running but now I am back at it. I can't run for long periods of time but Meredith helps push me to do what I can do.
It is really hard to get comfortable-my upper back seems to hurt a lot. I think it is from sitting at the computer all day and not sitting with my shoulders back. I might try to sit on a stability ball at work for a few hours each day to make me keep good posture and keep my abdominals tight. Nights seem to be really hard-I can't seem to find a position that I can sleep in-I wake up and I am flat on my back. And I have been told to stay off my back.
This weekend is July 4th. Brad has to work Saturday at the fire station. I will get up Saturday and go to Logan Martin with Janice and Sam and the rest of the family crew. I will hang out there all day Saturday and then go stay at Janice's house and meet Brad the next morning to go back out there.
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