It has been a long week. Here are my updates for this week. I hope to get better at this blogging stuff sooner than later. I have been on Spring Break 2009-not that means anything tome. Although I don't have any classes-I still have to go to work. So here is my week:
Brad and I wanted to sleep in a little later than usual-so we decided to go to 11:00am church instead of 9:30am. I am so glad that we went-not that we wouldn't. But it was the BEST service. I might have said that last week:) I know most of you have heard about the Cardboard Testimonies. Go
here to see an example of what took place. AMAZING!!! Then we headed to Sam and Janice's for lunch. We also celebrated LauraLee's birthday. Yep-you guessed it-I got to see Baby Lane-I haven't downloaded the pics but they are coming soon. We left around 3pm -to go to 119-I am helping two girls from Briarwood during cheerleading tryouts.
I had to get up at 4:15am to go help the cheerleaders. They did really well. I ran a little over 3 miles with Hannah and it was so HARD!!! I am not sure about this race in April-I am so out of shape. Today was Day 21 so i had to get my blood work done-results come later. I got to Sam and Janice's around 6pm. I had a bad headache. We ended up watching Dancing with the Stars. Want to know who my favorite couples are?
NO SCHOOL TODAY!!! I slept until around 7am and loved it. I didn't get to work until around 8am this morning. I stopped by and saw my mom at her office. I still had my dad's birthday present and my nephews that I hadn't given them yet! I know I am a bad daughter. So I had a meeting that lasted a good two hours and then just worked on things in my office. I ran with Hannah again today and it was still HARD. We ran another 3 miles Will it get any easier? It was a pretty uneventful day. I helped the girls again tonight-the get better and better every time I see them. I left the gym at 8:15pm-Brad had to go to a meeting in Homewood so we got home at the same time. I got in the bed fast because I had to get up EARLY again Wednesday.
EARLY DAY AND TIRED!! I could not stay awake today. I ended up leaving work at 3:15pm-I had one missed call-THE DOCTOR!!! She had left a message and said my levels were GREAT-and that I should make sure I took a PT because I DID ovulate. OMG!! When I got home I was so sleepy but I couldn't fall asleep-maybe nervous about the news I had just heard. Brad and I left and went to our FAVORITE place to eat ever!!!

Then we left and went to our next favorite place-CHURCH. Look what I saw -ok so it was missing the "t". Church of the week!!! YEAH!!!
We had to hurry and get home tomorrow is another EARLY morning.
Up and at 'em again this morning at 4:15am. Many of you are just rolling over in bed at this time I know but today is the last day. They try-out today after school. And then they find out Friday at 6pm. WHO DOES THAT???
I was able to pick up my glasses today. I love them-they are so cute. They make me look smart--ER!! haha No really they are super cute. I did Hannah's QuickFit class and now I can't even walk. WOW it was hard. Here is what we did:
10 Push-ups
20 Step ups
30 Sit ups
40 Thrusters
50 Jumping Jacks
Time 21:30
Then I went to Janice and Sam's-we ate Mexican!!! Yummy -all that hard work was just cancelled out plus some calories added. Oh well-I was hungry. Now I am really SLEEPY. What is new? Is that a sign? We will see next week!!!
I will end with one the cutest pictures of my other nephew Rylan-isn't he just adorable. This picture makes me smile. I just want to pinch his fat cheeks!!!!